Do you have a hair salon and want to expand with a webshop? Shoporama is a good Danish choice at a very fair price.
With Shoporama, you have two options: pay a fixed amount each month or pay a percentage of your revenue. This means that if you have months in your off-season where nothing is sold in your online store, it won't cost you anything.
Here's what you need to know when opening a webshop for your hair salon
You need to have an acquiring agreement in order to accept payment online. This is to secure your customers' payments. We've created a guide to walk you through it.
Read more hereIf you have a hair salon, you probably already have a domain. You can put your shop on your domain or on a subdomain. Sanne Brandi has her hair salon at and her shop at Read our guide on domains here
Read more hereYou can choose from several different designs. We already have a beautiful and Google-friendly template ready for hairdressers. You can get it for free to use on Shoporama. Click on the link here to see it.
See the hairdresser template hereYou must have some kind of shipping agreement or solution.
Read here how to get started with freightIt's a good idea to let customers write reviews of hair products. It increases credibility and the desire to buy when they can see that a product has received 5 stars.
Your online shop automatically collects the reviews. You can set your online shop to automatically send an email asking the customer to review the products she has purchased.
You can create a customer club so your customers can earn points when they buy hair products in your online store. When they have collected enough points, they can use them to make purchases.
You decide how many points a sale earns and what can be purchased with these points.
A customer club can increase the loyalty of your customers.
There are several integrations with financial systems in your webshop. Most Danish hairdressers use either Dinero or E-conomic and there is integration with both in Shoporama. Spend your time doing something more fun than bookkeeping.
It's easy to create a package of 3, 4 or more products such as a shampoo, conditioner and conditioner.
The benefit for you is that you increase your sales and the benefit for your customer is that they get a small discount and get all the products they need.
You can easily create blog posts about, for example, how to do a certain hairstyle and what products you've used for it. In addition, you can easily include the products used in the blog post.
This is a great way to get more visitors to your online store as search engines love a good blog post.
When you include products in your blog post, it's easy for your visitors to buy exactly what they need to create the hairstyle or effect you describe in the blog post.
It's a good idea to let customers write reviews of hair products. It increases credibility and the desire to buy when they can see that a product has received 5 stars.
Your online shop automatically collects the reviews. You can set your online shop to automatically send an email asking the customer to review the products she has purchased.
You can create a customer club so your customers can earn points when they buy hair products in your online store. When they have collected enough points, they can use them to make purchases.
You decide how many points a sale earns and what can be purchased with these points.
A customer club can increase the loyalty of your customers.
It's easy to create a package of 3, 4 or more products such as a shampoo, conditioner and conditioner.
The benefit for you is that you increase your sales and the benefit for your customer is that they get a small discount and get all the products they need.
You can easily create blog posts about, for example, how to do a certain hairstyle and what products you've used for it. In addition, you can easily include the products used in the blog post.
This is a great way to get more visitors to your webshop as search engines love a good blog post.
There are several integrations with financial systems in your online shop. Most Danish hairdressers use either Dinero or E-conomic and there is integration with both in Shoporama. Spend your time doing something more fun than bookkeeping.
When you include products in your blog post, it's easy for your visitors to buy exactly what they need to create the hairstyle or effect you describe in the blog post.Feel free to send us an email