Shoporama changelog

List of the latest changes and updates on the Shoporama platform.

Added webhook for product changes. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 29-10-2021 12:20
Product search in admin now also searches on secondary sku number. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 28-10-2021 17:05
Added the argument include_meta=1 on /ajax, which causes the response to contain information on how to narrow the search/filtering further. See more at — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 27-10-2021 18:39
Option for $product->getAvgRating() to return the exact number and not the rounded number. Call the function as getAvgRating(true) to get the exact number. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 25-10-2021 11:58
Klaviyo feed option (set it up under settings>feeds) — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 18-10-2021 20:55
Changed the deletion time for emails from 28 days to 10 weeks. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 15-10-2021 12:07
Better feedback if the newsletter subscription to Mailchimp fails. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 14-10-2021 10:54
getSimilarProductReviews now also includes your own reviews. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 13-10-2021 19:55
The fields size, color and gender are set in PartnerAds feeds if they are set as a regular attribute value and not only, as previously, if it is on a variant. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 12-10-2021 21:52
Option to use [YEAR] on static pages and all other keywords also works in the title/header of static pages and blog posts. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 12-10-2021 13:26
Added getSimilarProductReviews() for products — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 12-10-2021 11:11
Address2 included in the address field in e-conomic — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 12-10-2021 09:57
Ability to export products with prices in "Danish format". — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 11-10-2021 22:07
Language support in themes: — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 11-10-2021 21:36
Mobile-friendly images have been removed. It no longer made sense to support. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 11-10-2021 21:34
address2 is transferred to Pacsoft — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 11-10-2021 21:25
SKU number with "add to stock" — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 11-10-2021 21:25
Multiple tracking numbers on orders. Check. Rest interface and template api for new methods. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 11-10-2021 21:25
Option to set the price under products incl. VAT. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 11-10-2021 21:23

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