Template API

In your templates you have access to objects of the following classes: SafeBlogPost, SafeBrand, SafeCampaign, SafeCategory, SafeCompany, SafeCountry, SafeCustomer, SafeCustomerField, SafeImage, SafeLandingPage, SafeManufacturer, SafeMenu, SafeMenuItem, SafeOrder, SafeOrderLabel, SafeOrderProduct, SafeOrderReturn, SafeOrderReturnProduct, SafePage, SafePager, SafePaymentGateway, SafePoint, SafeProduct, SafeProductFile, SafeProductLabel, SafeProductProfileAttributeValue, SafeProductReview, SafeProfile, SafeProfileAttribute, SafeRecurringOrder, SafeRecurringOrderProduct, SafeSafetyProfile, SafeShipping, SafeStockLocation, SafeSupplier, SafeVoucher, SafeWebshop, SafeWishlist, SafeWishlistProduct.

SafeBlogPost #

getBlogPostId() #
getUrl($action = 'view', $controller = null) #
getRemoteUrl() #
getTitle() #
getBody() #
parse($text) #
canEdit() #
getImages() #
getMetaValues() #
getMetaValue($key) #
getHtmlFields() #
getHtmlField($tag) #
getMetaTitle() #
getMetaDescription() #
getUserName() #
getCreated() #
getUpdated() #
getProducts($limit = 50) #
getOpenGraphTitle() #
getOpenGraphDescription() #
getOpenGraphImage() #
getExtensionValue($name) #
getCategories() #
getNoIndex() #

SafeBrand #

getImage() #
getBrandId() #
getName() #
getRemoteUrl() #

SafeCampaign #

canUse() #
getName() #
getDescription() #
getPrice() #
getPriceModel() #
getPercent() #
getExpires() #
getImage() #
getCampaignId() #

SafeCategory #

getObjectType() #
getInMenu() #
getIsOnline() #
getProductCount() #
getRemoteUrl() #
getSlugName() #
getImages() #
getCategoryId() #
getParentId() #
isFront() #
getUrl($action = 'view', $controller = null) #
getName() #
getDescriptionA() #
getDescriptionB() #
getParents($reverse = '') #
getChildren() #
getCategoriesFromLevel($level) #
canEdit() #
getTree() #
getOnlineProducts($limit = 2500, $offset = 0, $count = null, $sort = null, $sort_order = 'DESC') #
$sort = default | sold | price | alphabetic | created
$sort_order = asc | desc
Argumenterne sort og sort_order tages også fra GET-parametrene som fx ?sort=sold&sort_order=desc
getBlogPosts($limit = 2500, $offset = 0, $count = null, $sort = null, $sort_order = 'DESC') #
$sort = updated | created | publish_after
$sort_order = asc | desc
getMetaValues() #
getMetaValue($key) #
getMetaTitle() #
getMetaDescription() #
getHtmlFields() #
getHtmlField($tag) #
getTag() #
getOpenGraphTitle() #
getOpenGraphDescription() #
getOpenGraphImage() #
getPrimarySearchPhrase() #
getNoIndex() #
getPopularProducts($limit = 25, $days = 90, $exclude = null) #
getGoogleCategory() #
getExtensionValue($name) #
getBlogPostUrl() #

SafeCompany #

getCompanyId() #
getName() #
getRegNr() #
getAddress() #
getZipcode() #
getCity() #
getCountry() #
getEmail() #
getPhone() #
getWebshops() #

SafeCountry #

getCountryId() #
getName() #
getCode() #
getIsDefault() #
getFreeAbove() #
getVat() #
getPrice() #
hasShipping($shipping_id) #

SafeCustomer #

getActivePoints() #
getPendingPoints() #
getSpendPoints() #
getPointsAvailable() #
getPoints() #
Array af points kunden har optjent eller brugt
getHasOneClick() #
canUseOneClick() #
getChangeCardUrl() #
getSubscriptionId() #
getCustomerId() #
getCardInfo() #
getCardType() #
getName() #
getFirstname() #
getEmail() #
getAddress() #
getZipcode() #
getCity() #
getPhone() #
getCountryId() #
getShippingName() #
getShippingAddress() #
getShippingZipcode() #
getShippingCity() #
getShippingCountryId() #
getVatNumber() #
getCompany() #
getTokenUrl($redir = null) #
getCountry() #
getShippingCountry() #
getSubscriptions() #
getWishlists() #

SafeCustomerField #

getVal() #
getCustomerFieldId() #
getName() #
getTag() #
getType() #
getValues() #

SafeImage #

getSrc($w, $h, $t = 'fit', $format = null, $quality = null) #
$w = bredten på billedet
$h = højden på billedet
$t = box | fit
$format = jpg | png | webp
$quality = 0 ... 100
getInline($width, $height, $type = 'fit', $format = null, $quality = 100) #
Returnerer et base64 inline billede
getHtmlSize($w, $h, $t, $format = 'png', $quality = 100) #
Returnerer html-felterne til billedets størrelse så siden loader pænere
getDescription() #
getImageId() #
getWidth() #
getHeight() #
getVariantAttributeValueId() #
Returnerer ID'et på den variant billedet evt. er tilknyttet
getVariantName() #
Returnerer navnet på den variant billedet evt. er tilknyttet
getVariantTag() #
Returnerer tagget på den variant billedet evt. er tilknyttet

SafeLandingPage #

getObjectType() #
getCachedProductIds() #
getActivateRss() #
getRemoteUrl() #
getImages() #
getLandingPageId() #
getUrl($action = 'view', $controller = null) #
getName() #
canEdit() #
getDescription() #
getDescriptionA() #
getDescriptionB() #
getProducts($limit = 25000, $offset = 0, $count = null) #
getProductCount() #
getMetaValues() #
getMetaValue($key) #
getHtmlFields() #
getHtmlField($tag) #
getOpenGraphTitle() #
getOpenGraphDescription() #
getOpenGraphImage() #
getPrimarySearchPhrase() #
getNoIndex() #
getRules() #
getExtensionValue($name) #

SafeManufacturer #

getManufacturerId() #
getName() #
getAddress() #
getEmail() #
getWebsite() #
bool getIsOutsideEu() #
getEuName() #
getEuAddress() #
getEuEmail() #
getEuWebsite() #

SafeMenu #

getTag() #
getName() #
getMenuId() #
getItems() #
getChildren() #

SafeMenuItem #

getMenuItemId() #
getUrl($action = 'view', $controller = null) #
getVal() #
getType() #
getTitel() #
getTitle() #
getClass() #
getObject() #
getItems() #

SafeOrder #

getShipping() #
getShippingName() #
getComments() #
getIsCreditNote() #
getOriginalWebshopOrderId() #
getPaid() #
getOrderId() #
getInvoiceId() #
getTime() #
getEmail() #
getPhone() #
getSetting($n) #
getWebshopOrderId() #
getTrackingNumber() #
getTrackingNumbers($as_string = '') #
getTrackingUrl() #
getPublicUrl($action = 'order') #
hasReviews() #
getUrl($action = 'view', $controller = null) #
getCreditUntil() #
getProductVouchers() #
getStatus() #
getOrderPrice() #
= getPrice() - getShippingPrice()
getPrice() #
Ordrens pris uden fragt med moms
getTotalPrice() #
Total inkl. alt
getTotalPriceExVat() #
getTotalPrice() - getVat()
getShippingPrice() #
getShippingPriceExVat() #
getVat() #
getIsPaid() #
getPaymentUrl() #
getReviewUrl() #
getReturnUrl() #
getEanNumber() #
getPaymentPrice() #
getOrderName() #
getOrderFirstName() #
getOrderCompanyName() #
getOrderAddress() #
getOrderAddress2() #
getOrderZipcode() #
getOrderCity() #
getOrderCountry() #
getDelName() #
getDelCompanyName() #
getDelAddress() #
getDelAddress2() #
getDelCity() #
getDelZipcode() #
getDelCountry() #
getPickupAddress() #
getShopId() #
getBasketId() #
getVatNumber() #
getOrderProducts() #
getProducts() #
getOrderProductCount() #
getExtras($field = null) #
getVoucher() #
getVoucherDiscount() #
getVoucherDiscountAmount() #
getVoucherCode() #
setTrackingCalled($i = 1) #
getTrackingCalled() #
getPaymentGateway() #
getPaymentGatewayId() #
getCardType() #
getTransactionId() #
getShippingWeight() #
getTtStatus() #
getTtData() #
getUtmSource() #
getUtmMedium() #
getUtmCampaign() #
getUtmTerm() #
getUtmContent() #
getAlsoBought() #
getOrderLabels() #
getCampaigns() #
int getDelCountryId() #
getCustomer() #
getCampaign() #
Brug getCampaigns() i stedet for denne
getCampaignDiscount() #
getPointsUsed() #
getPointsEarned() #

SafeOrderLabel #

getOrderLabelId() #
getName() #

SafeOrderProduct #

getAmount() #
getProduct() #
getProductId() #
getOrderProductId() #
getUnitPrice($amount = 1) #
getUnitVat($amount = 1) #
getCalculatedUnitPrice($amount = 1) #
getCalculatedUnitVat($amount = 1) #
getPrice($amount = 1) #
getPriceExVat($amount = 1) #
getRealPrice($amount = 1) #
getName() #
getComment() #
getFromBundle() #
getOwnId() #
getAttributes() #
getImages() #
getImage() #
getFile() #
getFileDownloadUrl() #
int getReturned() #

SafeOrderReturn #

getReturnProductCount() #
getStatus() #
getPublicUrl() #
getOrderReturnId() #
getTime() #
getPrice() #
getVat() #
getReturnPrice() #
getReturnVat() #
getShippingPrice() #
getShippingVat() #
getShipping() #
getOrder() #
getReturnProducts() #

SafeOrderReturnProduct #

getUnitPrice() #
getUnitVat() #
getReason() #
getProduct() #
getAttributes() #

SafePage #

getPageId() #
getUrl($action = 'view', $controller = null) #
getRemoteUrl() #
getHeadline() #
getIsFront() #
getText() #
parse($text) #
canEdit() #
getImages() #
getMetaValues() #
getMetaValue($key) #
getHtmlFields() #
getHtmlField($tag) #
getOpenGraphTitle() #
getOpenGraphDescription() #
getMetaTitle() #
getMetaDescription() #
getOpenGraphImage() #
getPrimarySearchPhrase() #
getNoIndex() #
getExtensionValue($name) #

SafePager #

render() #

SafePaymentGateway #

getPaymentGatewayId() #
getName() #
getType() #
getSecret() #
getImage() #
getHtmlFields() #
getHtmlField($tag) #
hasInvoiceAddressSelection() #

SafePoint #

getTime() #
getStatus() #
getPendingUntil() #
getPoints() #
getExpires() #
getOrder() #

SafeProduct #

getVariant() #
getProductId() #
getOwnId($attribute_value_id = null, $attribute_id = null) #
getSecOwnId($attribute_id = null, $attribute_value_id = null) #
getGtin($attribute_value_id = null, $attribute_id = null) #
getSiblings() #
getNoShopping() #
int getRequiresAgeVerification() #
getMpn($attribute_value_id = null, $attribute_id = null) #
getHasCreditUntil() #
getNeverFreeShipping() #
getCreditUntil() #
getHasCreditDays() #
getCreditDays() #
getCampaigns() #
getHasCreditDate() #
getCreditDate() #
getIsVoucher() #
getVoucherDays() #
getVoucherAmount() #
getLocation($attribute_value_id = null, $attribute_id = null) #
getAllowNegativeStock() #
canEdit() #
getMetaValues($parsed = '1') #
getSubscriptionInterval() #
hasVariant() #
hasVariants() #
getSubscriptionPrice($country_id = null) #
getMetaValue($key, $parsed = '1') #
getUrl($action = 'view', $controller = null) #
getRemoteUrl() #
getName() #
getDescription() #
getListDescription() #
getParsedDescription() #
getTariffCode() #
getCountryOfOrigin() #
getProductVat($country_id = null) #
getPrice() #
getDiscountPrice() #
getRealPriceExVat($amount = 1, $attributes = 'Array') #
getPriceExVat() #
getSalePriceExVat() #
getBulkDiscountOver() #
getBulkDiscount() #
getBulkDiscountPrice($a = 'Array') #
getLowestRealPriceAttributeValueId() #
getLowestSalePriceAttributeValueId() #
getLowestPriceAttributeValueId() #
getLowestRealPrice() #
getLowestPrice() #
getLowestSalePrice() #
getSalePrice() #
getRealVat($amount = 1, $attributes = 'Array') #
getRealPrice($amount = 1, $attributes = 'Array', $no_voucher = '', $skip_basket_check = '', $price_per_unit = null) #
getDiscountPriceInclVat($amount, $attribute_value_id) #
getRealSubscriptionVat($amount = 1, $attributes = 'Array', $country_id = null) #
getRealSubscriptionPrice($amount = 1, $attributes = 'Array', $country_id = null) #
getVat() #
hasAttributePrice() #
getAttributePrice($attribute_value_id, $before_sale = '') #
getAttributeSalePrice($attribute_value_id) #
getAttributeSubscriptionPrice($attribute_value_id, $country_id = null) #
getShippingInclVat() #
getShipping() #
getApproxShipping() #
getDeliveryTime() #
getDeliveryTimeNotInStock() #
getSave() #
getPercentSave() #
getImages() #
getImage($attribute_value_id = null) #
$attribute_value_id kan være både id eller value (fx 'L')
getProfile() #
getAttributeValue($i) #
getAttributeValueIdBySku($sku) #
getAttributeTag($i) #
getAttributeValueByName($i) #
getCategory() #
getCategoryName() #
getOnlineSince() #
getOnlineHours() #
getCategoryNames($pre = '', $sep = ' ', $post = '') #
getCategories($as_ids = '') #
getStockCount() #
getPackage() #
getIsInStock() #
getInStock($attributes = 'Array', $x = null) #
getLocationStock($stock_location_id = null, $attribute_id = null, $attribute_value_id = null) #
getNegativeStockCount() #
Returnerer antal på restlager
getAmount() #
getUnitPrice() #
getUnitVat() #
getComment() #
getAttributes() #
getRelatedProducts($limit = 25) #
getSimilarProducts($limit = 25) #
getSimilarProductRatings() #
getSimilarProductReviews() #
getNext() #
getPrev() #
getSupplier() #
getSupplierName() #
getBrandName() #
getSearch() #
getAlsoBought($limit = 25) #
getHtmlFields() #
getHtmlField($tag) #
getInStockVariants() #
getStockVariants($only_in_stock = '', $hide_stock = '') #
getFileDownloadUrl($order_id = null) #
getFile() #
getPDF() #
getPdfFiles() #
getSubscriptionFixation() #
getDiscountIntervals() #
getPurchasePrice($attribute_id = null, $attribute_value_id = null) #
getDiscountIntervalPrice($amount, $attribute_value_id = 0) #
getDiscountIntervalPriceExVat($amount, $attribute_value_id = 0) #
getShippingWeight() #
hasBundleProducts() #
getBundleProductsCount() #
getBundleProducts() #
getLocationByOwnId($own_id) #
getBundleProductIds() #
getMainCategoryName() #
getMainCategory() #
hasCategory($category_id) #
getProductReviews($limit = 25) #
getAvgRating($no_round = '') #
getSafeProduct() #
getBrand() #
getMetaTitle() #
getMetaDescription() #
getOpenGraphTitle() #
getOpenGraphDescription() #
getOpenGraphImage() #
getPrimarySearchPhrase() #
getGoogleShoppingTitle() #
getGoogleCategory() #
getNoIndex() #
hasCampaigns() #
getCampaignInfo() #
getProductLabels() #
getGoogleShoppingImage() #
getBlogPosts() #
getExtensionValue($name) #
getManufacturer() #
getManufacturerName() #
getSafetyProfile() #
getSafetyProfileName() #

SafeProductFile #

getFilename() #
getUrl() #
getMB() #
getBytes() #

SafeProductLabel #

getProductLabelId() #
getName() #
getTag() #
getColor() #

SafeProductProfileAttributeValue #

getAttributeValueId() #
getVal() #
getTag() #
getImages($product) #
Returnerer evt. billeder på varianten. Tager det nuværende produkt som argument.
getImage($product) #
Returnerer evt. billede på varianten. Er der flere, returneres det første. Tager det nuværende produkt som argument.

SafeProductReview #

getRating() #
getDescription() #
getCreated() #
getName() #
getEmail() #
getOrder() #
getProduct() #

SafeProfile #

getAttributeList() #
getName() #
getTag() #
getProfileId() #

SafeProfileAttribute #

getValues() #
getHasPrice() #
getPurpose() #
getTags() #
Tags fra værdierne
getTag() #
getIsVariant() #
getDataType() #
getName() #
getVal() #
getAttributeId() #
getList($profile_id) #

SafeRecurringOrder #

getDeliver() #
getInterval() #
getFirst() #
getNext() #
getShipping() #
getComments() #
getRecurringOrderId() #
getInvoiceId() #
getTime() #
getEmail() #
getPhone() #
getSetting($n) #
getWebshopRecurringOrderId() #
getTrackingNumber() #
getTrackingUrl() #
getPublicUrl($action = 'subscription') #
getStatus() #
getOrderPrice() #
getPrice() #
getTotalPrice() #
getShippingPrice() #
getVat() #
getEanNumber() #
getPaymentPrice() #
getOrderName() #
getOrderCompanyName() #
getOrderAddress() #
getOrderZipcode() #
getOrderCity() #
getOrderCountry() #
getDelName() #
getDelCompanyName() #
getDelAddress() #
getDelCity() #
getDelZipcode() #
getDelCountry() #
getPickupAddress() #
getOrderProducts() #
getProducts() #
getExtras($field = null) #
getVoucher() #
getVoucherDiscount() #
getVoucherCode() #
setTrackingCalled($i = 1) #
getTrackingCalled() #
getPaymentGateway() #
getPaymentGatewayId() #
getCustomer() #
getSubscriptionId() #
getCloseAfter() #

SafeRecurringOrderProduct #

getAmount() #
getUnitPrice($amount = 1) #
getPrice($amount = 1) #
getRealPrice($amount = 1) #
getName() #
getComment() #
getOwnId() #
getAttributes() #

SafeSafetyProfile #

int getSafetyProfileId() #
string getName() #
getImages() #

SafeShipping #

getShippingId() #
getName() #
getModule() #
getCost($country_id = null, $basket_total = null) #
getImage() #
getHtmlFields() #
getHtmlField($tag) #
getDeliveryShops($as_json = '') #
getTrackingUrl($id = '') #

SafeStockLocation #

getStockLocationId() #
getName() #
getIsDefault() #
getTag() #

SafeSupplier #

getSupplierId() #
getName() #
getRemoteUrl() #

SafeVoucher #

canUse() #
getVoucherId() #
getCode() #
getExpires() #
getAllowOnSale() #
bool getAllowWithPoints() #
getIsPublic() #
getPercentDiscount() #
getPriceDiscount() #
getFreeShipping() #
getOnlyOver() #

SafeWebshop #

getName() #
getWebshopId() #
getCheapestShipping() #
getGaId() #
getEnableTracking() #
getEnableNewTracking() #
getGoogleAdsConversionId() #
getGoogleAdsConversionLabelOrder() #
getFbId() #
getGoogleMerchantId() #
getGoogleMerchantDeliveryDays() #
getGoogleOptimizeId() #
getGoogleTagManagerId() #
getGA4MeasurementID() #
getGooglePlaceID() #
getPinterestTagID() #
getPinterestAccessToken() #
getSnapPixelID() #
getSnapApiToken() #
getTikTokPixelID() #
getTikTokAccessToken() #
getGoogleAdsConversionActionId() #
getLinkedInID() #
getMerchantNumber() #
getStatus() #
getHideDelivery() #
getThemeSetting($element, $name) #
getUrl($action = 'view', $controller = null) #
getAllCategories() #
getCategories() #
getPages() #
getBrands() #
getShippings() #
getCountries() #
getVouchers() #
getPublicVouchers() #
getPaymentModule() #
getLandingPageByTag($tag) #
getLandingPagesByTags($tags) #
getLandingPages() #
getCategoryByTag($tag) #
getPagesByTag($tag) #
getCategoriesByTags($tags = null) #
getCategoryByTags($tags = null) #
getCategory($category_id) #
getLandingPage($landing_page_id) #
getAttributeValues($categori_ids = 'Array') #
getAttributeValuesByTags() #
getCurrency() #
getAlsoBought($products) #
getRelated($products) #
getAfterPurchase($products) #
getPopularProducts($limit = 25, $days = 90, $exclude = null) #
getLiveSince() #
getCreated() #
getRelayUrl($page = '') #
getPaymentGateways() #
getSuppliers() #
getProfiles() #
getMenu($tag) #
getMenuByLocation($location) #
getMenus() #
getRootMenus() #
getHtmlFields() #
getHtmlField($tag) #
getCustomerFields() #
getAllowBasketPayment() #
getOnlineProducts($fields_str = '') #
getProductById($product_id) #
getProductBySku($sku) #
getProductByGtin($gtin) #
getUseEvents() #
Til Klaviyo
getFinancialProducts() #
Returnerer de produkter hvor profilen er "finansiel". Dvs. rabatkoder og kreditter
getThemeSettings() #
getBlogPosts($limit = 25, $offset = 0, $count = null, $sort = null, $sort_order = null) #
getBlogTitle() #
getBlogDescription() #
getBlogOpenGraphTitle() #
getBlogOpenGraphDescription() #
getStylesheet() #
getSkipApprove() #
getFrontCategory() #
hasInvoiceAddressSelection() #
hasPayPalCheckout() #
getPayPalSecret($basket_id) #
getPayPalClientId() #
getAfterBasket() #
getActiveCampaigns() #
getKlaviyoPublicKey() #
getCompany() #
paidOrders($email) #
getProductLabels() #
getBlocks($type, $id = null) #
templateExists($filename) #
getLoyaltyProgramFreeShipping() #
hasLoyaltyProgram() #
getLoyaltyProgramBasePoints() #
getLoyaltyProgramApprovalPeriod() #
getLoyaltyProgramSignupPoints() #
getLoyaltyProgramBaseCost() #
bool useReturnCenter() #
float getReturnShippingPrice($country_id = null) #
float getReturnShippingVat($shipping_price, $country_id = null) #
bool getReturnShippingVatFree() #
getReturnShipping() #
getLoyaltyProgramMinDiscount() #
getLoyaltyProgramMinPoints() #
getLoyaltyProgramMaxDiscount() #
getLoyaltyProgramBaseExpires() #
getTerms() #
getFavicon() #
bool getUseCalculatedUnitPrice() #
getLatestProductReviews($limit = 10) #
getLanguage() #
getStockLocations() #
getDefaultStockLocation() #

SafeWishlist #

int getWishlistId() #
string getName() #
string getDescription() #
string getRemoteUrl() #
array getWishlistProducts() #
string getCreated() #
string getStatus() #
string getEditUrl() #
int getProductCount() #

SafeWishlistProduct #

getProduct() #
int getWishlistProductId() #
getAmount() #
getComments() #
getAttributeValueId() #
getAttributeId() #
getVariantName() #
getVariantValue() #

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