Shoporama changelog

List of the latest changes and updates on the Shoporama platform.

Ability to edit extended fields on products and categories via the rest interface. The format is: { "name": "Bob 510", "extension_data": { "foo": 352, "bar": "yes" } } — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 11-03-2024 12:12
Ability to set max weight on shipping options. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 09-03-2024 12:26
Option to create PDF invoices and attach them to the sent email: — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 25-02-2024 20:58
Added reference to order export. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 19-02-2024 13:43
Added product information to the "New order" email. Used by Trustpilot so customers can review individual products and not just the shop. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 13-02-2024 21:15
Added ->getUpdated() on blog posts. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 10-02-2024 17:39
Added weight to attributes on /ajax?include_meta=1 — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 07-02-2024 11:01
Added Heysender support. Heysender is a Danish system for sending transactional emails. By activating it, you increase delivery security and comply with requirements from e.g. e-Mærket. When you activate it, you need to insert a TXT record on your domain. This typically takes a few minutes and you cannot turn Heysender off again. It is set up at — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 05-02-2024 11:37
New theme: Delaware. Based on — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 30-01-2024 16:33
Added the thumbnails array to /ajax with all images — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 29-01-2024 14:19
Wishlists implemented in Alaska2 — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 26-01-2024 23:03
Possibility to create wish lists in the shop. First version. Changes may be coming. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 26-01-2024 23:03
Added [MONTH] and [SEASON] to products, landing pages, categories, and static pages. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 20-01-2024 12:42
Added number of orders, number of credits, and credited revenue to the statistics ( — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 18-01-2024 13:27
Option to remove zero searches from the overview — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 18-01-2024 10:46
Added is_online on categories in the import — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 16-01-2024 14:19
Implemented variants in "email when product is back in stock" in the Alaska2 theme — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 16-01-2024 14:19
Added pallet delivery to PostNord — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 15-01-2024 20:18
Added related products in exports — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 15-01-2024 14:32
Ability to search static pages in the shop. Must be activated at and implemented by looping $pages through on search.html. Also works with ajax. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 06-01-2024 22:18
Added tab with monthly revenue: — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 06-01-2024 21:36
Added bundle_product_id in the rest interface that points to the main product if the order line is from a bundle. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 31-12-2023 12:37
Added packages for export/import of products. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 22-12-2023 12:14
Possible to view (and change) the extra data (fill) field sent to ChatGPT. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 29-11-2023 16:42
Fixed so that extended fields are copied when copying products. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 28-11-2023 20:23

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