Shoporama changelog

List of the latest changes and updates on the Shoporama platform.

Categories on apps. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 14-09-2023 03:16
The "color" type is added to extended fields. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 13-09-2023 17:24
Ability to insert code immediately after <head> and <body> in apps. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 13-09-2023 17:11
Added richtext and color types to app store fields. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 13-09-2023 16:42
Added getPointsUsed() and getPointsEarned() to the order api. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 12-09-2023 21:06
New e-conomic integration. It is developed as an app for our app store. The source code will be made available for free to everyone shortly. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 10-09-2023 21:18
First version of our app store. Contact if you want to be activated as an app developer. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 10-09-2023 21:17
Added order labels to the rest interface. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 02-09-2023 00:28
Added product, category, and landing_page types to the Page Builder. Used if you want to select product, category, or landing page in the theme setup. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 19-08-2023 03:48
Option to specify whether loyalty program points should be awarded upon approval or upon dispatch. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 16-08-2023 18:46
Added the points_pending, points_approved, points_total, and points_spent fields to customer properties in the Klaviyo integration if using the loyalty program. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 15-08-2023 20:13
Possibility to import points for customer creation. customer creation — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 15-08-2023 18:59
Added "Fixed elements" In the hope that we can eventually move elements all themes contain into one tab. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 15-08-2023 18:21
First version of the loyalty program. Read more about implementation at It is implemented in the Alaska2 theme. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 14-08-2023 16:58
Added Add to Cart and Begin Checkout for Google tracking and renamed "Order" to "Purchase" in admin. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 02-08-2023 18:11
Added no_partner_ads and no_shopping to the rest interface under products. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 01-08-2023 18:05
We no longer automatically mark orders as shipped if the order only contains products with attachments. The feature was intended for selling electronic products, but was too opaque. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 05-07-2023 23:35
Added user-reset-password-mail.html to mail tests — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 30-06-2023 16:29
First version of server-side tracking for Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, and LinkedIn. Set up via settings for the shop and Tracking ( — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 23-06-2023 17:59
Option to update the cost price when adding items to stock. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 16-06-2023 19:18
Added delivery time in Pricerunner feed — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 14-06-2023 17:25
Possibility to edit the delivery location for orders in admin, as well as automatic assignment of delivery location if one was not selected by the customer in the shop. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 13-06-2023 19:48
Option to set whether ean order should go through regular payment flow or directly to /thanks — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 07-06-2023 16:50
Better tagging of offline/online products in related search in admin. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 31-05-2023 18:19
Support for multiple currencies in the same account in Dinero. — Morten Blinksbjerg Nielsen, 06-05-2023 18:26

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